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Mimicking A Master

A take on Peter Paul Ruben's A Study of a Head. On the left is the original, on the right is my version. Digital Painting done in Photoshop, 2019.

Textured Spheres

9 texture studies. In order from left to right: Row 1 - Marble (Glass), Metal, Wood Row 2- Fur, Lava Rock, Roots Row 3- Grapes, Skull, Storm Digital Painting done in Photoshop, 2019.

Sunset City

A study of atmospheric perspective from a hill view of San Jose, CA. Digital Painting done in Photoshop, 2018.


A study on warm light and cool shadows with candle light. Digital Painting done in Photoshop, 2019.


Set to the task of creating a unique alien: a creature from a water planet with antennae and a collar of gills. Digital Painting done in Photoshop, 2019.

Lonely Teddy

Using an analogous color scheme, a twist on the usual happy teddy bears that kids see: a sad one left behind. Digital Painting done in Photoshop, 2018.

Foggy Bridge

Photograph of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California when the sun was setting. Edited in Photoshop. 2016.


Created a light set up that I liked and used some props to make a dramatic effect. Photo edited in Photoshop. 2017.

Golden Gate

Photograph of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California at night. Edited in Photoshop. 2016.

Light in the Hallway

Photograph of abandoned buildings by the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California that were lit up by phones at night. Edited in Photoshop, 2016.

Plant Life

Photograph taken in studio and edited in Photoshop, merging images. 2017.

Wizard of Oz

Using a projector, I used an image I had already taken and projected it on my friend who was holding up a piece of paper. The eyes are the windows to the soul. Edited in Photoshop, 2017.

Standard Glass

Photograph taken in studio on bent plexiglass. Using 2 lights with different gel sheets to create a merge of colors between blue and orange on a blue glass. Edited in Photoshop, 2017.

Creative Glass

Photograph taken in studio on bent plexiglass. Using 2 lights with different gel sheets to create a merge of colors between blue and orange on a blue glass. Edited in Photoshop, 2017.

Two Sides to Everything

My concentration for this portfolio of pictures was centered around masks and I wanted to show that everyone puts up a mask to hide what they truly feel inside. Edited in Photoshop, 2016.

Deeper Inside

Photograph taken in studio. Edited in Photoshop, 2016.


Photo taken in Big Basin while on a hike. Edited in Photoshop, 2017.


Photo taken in Big Basin while on a hike. Edited in Photoshop, 2017.


Photo was taken to create a nice portrait while creating a bokeh effect. Edited in Photoshop, 2016.

Paint Stroke

Photograph taken in studio and paint stroke added in Photoshop. 2016.

Makeup Mask

People can also use makeup as a mask. Many believe it's to hide but it's used to boost confidence and creativity. Photo edited in Photoshop, 2016.

To the Show

Photograph taken in studio. Edited in Photoshop, 2016.

Eye Focus

The goal to recreate someone else's photo, I took a photo of my friend in the studio and edited it in Photoshop. 2016.


Photo taken in studio, using a board with slats to create the shadows on the model's face. Edited in Photoshop, 2016.


Photo taken in studio and edited in Photoshop. 2016.

Painting a Portraint

Photo taken in the studio and created an effect to make it look like a digital painting in Photoshop. 2017.


Photo taken on a man fishing while walking by in Carmel,California. Edited in Photoshop, 2018.

1947 Ford

My grandpa's 1947 Convertible Ford taken in Carmel, California. Edited in Photoshop, 2018.

1955 Ford

My grandpa's 1955 Ford taken in Carmel, California. Edited in Photoshop, 2018.

License Plate

Old license plate hanging on an old family home. Photo taken in Groveland, California. Edited in Photoshop, 2017.

© 2023 by Rebecca Rossini

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