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This project allowed us to focus on making accessories for the character. Textured in Substance Painter. Unreal Engine & Substance Painter, 2021.

Iariel UV Sheet

Iariel UV Sheet

Maya, 2021.

Iariel's Bike

Iariel's Bike

Unreal Engine & Substance Painter, 2021.

Iariel's Bike UV Sheet

Iariel's Bike UV Sheet

UV Sheet. Maya, 2021.

Dragon Axe

Dragon Axe

Unreal Engine & Substance Painter, 2021.

Dragon Axe UV Sheet

Dragon Axe UV Sheet

Maya, 2021.

Beast Close Up

Beast Close Up

Using someone else's model, provided by professor, I used Maya to export ambient occlusion maps and then painted the textures in Photoshop. Albedo, emissive, bump/normal, and specular maps were used. 3 point lighting system used and rendered in Maya with Arnold. 2020

Beast Character

Beast Character

Using someone else's model, provided by professor, I used Maya to export ambient occlusion maps and then painted the textures in Photoshop. Albedo, emissive, bump/normal, and specular maps were used. 3 point lighting system used and rendered in Maya with Arnold. 2020

AO Beast

AO Beast

Using someone else's model, provided by professor, I used Maya to export ambient occlusion maps. 3 point lighting system used and rendered in Maya with Arnold. 2020

Leather Book

Leather Book

Using metallic, albedo, bump, and specular maps done in Photoshop, I rendered an image in Maya with Arnold Renderer after using a Skydome light. I added a background, the light, and created a plane so the book wasn't just floating. 2020



Using professor provided models, I textured everything in Photoshop after exporting UV maps from Maya. Albedo, bump/normal, and specular maps with Arnold lights were made and used for Arnold Render through Maya. I modeled frames and tables as add-ons. 2020



Using professor provided models, I textured everything in Photoshop after exporting UV maps from Maya. Albedo, bump/normal, and specular maps with Arnold lights were made and used for Arnold Render through Maya. I modeled frames and tables as add-ons. 2020

© 2023 by Rebecca Rossini

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